Priority Households

Focused on children clinically diagnosed as malnourished, DIG’s Priority Household Program removes barriers for children to thrive.

This intensive program is designed to work with the children’s caregivers through a tailored nutrition sensitive agriculture intervention. The program incorporates nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, appropriate garden design, women’s empowerment initiatives, WASH, and appropriate monitoring activities to help caregivers assess the growth of their affected children

96% of children graduated from DIG’s Priority Household program have recovered.

None have had to re-enter the program.

A family is prescribed the DIG program after diagnosis by a hospital nutritionist.

DIG immediately provides an emergency food supplement that is locally produced and fortified with protein and nutrient rich vegetables and grains.

A DIG Mentor Mother is then paired with each family to work hand-in-hand with them over several months designing a garden for their unique needs as well as transfering important feeding information for the child’s recovery.

Plant Seeds That Reap Life

Plant Seeds That Reap Life

Your support will grow our capacity to equip uniquely marginalized families with the skills and experience to meet their own needs and improve their well-being through climate smart, nutrient-dense gardening. Help us plant the seeds. Consider a contribution today.
