Kuna Primary school is situated 12km from our main site at Lwala Community Hospital, and can be easily accessed by Pikipiki (motorcycle taxi).
It has a total of 810 students with 14 teachers. It was the best performing school in its School Zone in 2011. Mr. Enoch Owenje Ngoje is the head teacher of the school. He is motivated and engaged with the project.
The school has grown maize and bananas before but nothing else. They are excited to start harvesting new produce! The school is not only providing labor, security and land for the DIG project but they are helping involve all the stakeholders (parents, teachers, students) in the project.
On the first day of the project, over 200 parents, teachers and students were involved. The garden is teaching students valuable life skills. The demonstration garden will also be used to supplement the feeding program and sell excess produce for income at a small market near the school.
So far, Kuna Primary School and DIG has contructed 20 raised beds and 11 double dug beds. The beds are planted with beans, cucumbers, squash, dek, and watermelon in the beds. objectives of the project is to supplement. There is also a nursery with cabbages, kales, tomatoes, and spinach!
DIG is so grateful for having so many supporters and partners for this project including Segal Family Foundation, Lwala Community Alliance, Kuna Primary School, and the Rotary Club of Durango.